Victoria Walsh (MA MBACP)
Online Relationship Therapist
I am an experienced psychotherapist based close to London, working with both couples and individuals online. I undertook a Master’s degree, as well as my clinical training, at Tavistock Relationships, a national organisation with an international reputation which has pioneered Couple Therapy across the world.
Prior to becoming a psychotherapist, I was a family lawyer at a well-known London firm. I worked on high profile matters relating to relationship breakdown, with my case-load inclining towards the financial aspects of divorce. I became frustrated by the adversarial nature of the law, and curious about how my clients had reached the point of divorce. As I became interested in developing a deeper understanding of relationships, it felt like a natural stepping-stone to cross-qualify to psychotherapy. I have never looked back.
Professional memberships
The Three Cs
My personal style & approach
There is no one size fits all for therapy. I am a psychotherapist, and psychological theory provides a framework, but my style is based on three guiding principles.
01 | Compassion
I am warm and empathic, and ultimately want to help you understand and process your feelings within a compassionate and non-judgmental space.
I am curious about whatever is causing you concern and your feelings about it. Every person views the world through a unique lens, formed from our previous lived experiences. This is what makes us all individuals. I will be curious about what makes up your unique lens as a way of understanding what is happening for you, on both the surface and on an unconscious level.
The connection between therapist and client, the ‘therapeutic alliance’, is ultimately the foundation of therapy. It is this connection upon which the therapeutic work rests.
“We don’t get wounded alone and we don’t heal alone.”
— Carl Jung
ONline relationshIp therapist
Why Work With Me?
I currently have a small private practice. I choose to keep it small so that I can offer the best possible service to my clients. I am also a Visiting Clinician at Tavistock Relationships, where I work with couples on a short and long-term basis.
As well as my background as a family lawyer, I have trained to be a Parent Educator with The Parent Practice. I offer practical support and guidance to parents experiencing challenges with their children (generally of primary age upwards). Parenting poses myriad of challenges, and it is my strong belief that the right practical support can make a great difference to the quality of a family’s life together.
Registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Membership Number: 00983960)
Graduate Member of Tavistock Relationships Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors’
Law Society of England and Wales
MA in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Counselling for Couples and Individuals (Distinction): Tavistock Relationships
Graduate Diploma Law and Legal Practice Course (both Distinction): BPP University
BA in Modern European Languages (First Class Honours): Durham University